Thursday, 31 December 2015

Autumn 2015

My final reminisce of the year concerns, for many birders, the most eagerly anticipated season - autumn, and there were plenty of superb days to choose from. Typically, days with rarities cropped up as I looked back; from Rough-legged Buzzard to Pallas`s Warbler, a Black Stork over the garden and a first for Britain in the shape of `That Flycatcher`... infact, a varitable cornucopia of avian delights.
In the end I selected a classic morning of migrant hunting at Dungeness, as I`m a sucker for the spectacle of large numbers of grounded drift migrants, and nothing beats finding your own birds.

Dungeness - Drift migrants - 26th October

With guests Linda and John down for a days birding the weather portents looked promising as low cloud and a warm south-easterly airflow washed over the peninsula. From the Light Railway car park finches could be heard passing overhead, mostly Goldfinches along with Siskins, Redpolls, Chaffinches and a couple of Crossbills, plus Meadow Pipits, Skylarks and several Grey Wagtails.
The bushes around the old light were alive with Goldcrests, which in many ways was the `bird of the autumn` due to the enormous numbers hereabouts in October. We paused to watch a Firecrest and a couple of Chiffchaffs picking off insects low down on a tree mallow, while every building or wall seemed to have a perched Black Redstart, including some cracking cock birds, and even one in full song!


  Walking down to the Patch we disturbed several Wheatears and more grounded Goldcrests and Chiffchaffs fuelling up in the tangle of rock samphire. And then a small, brown phyllospus warbler with a bright supercilium broke cover. Over the coming hour it led us a merry dance as it moved, wren-like, between patches of samphire. Eventually it showed well enough to suggest Dusky/Radde`s before uttering a Lesser Whitethroat-like `teck` confirming its identity. The Obs was duly alerted and the troops soon arrived to confirm it as a Dusky, the first for about eight years locally.
  Plenty more grounded migrants were on offer throughout the morning including Robins, Blackbirds, Song Thrushes and a Ring Ouzel in the moat, and as we left the Estate a Short-eared Owl arrived off the sea by the lifeboat station. A skulking duo of Great Grey Shrike and Dartford Warbler were also located that afternoon, which left me wondering what else was lurking in the midst of the trapping area unseen...
  However, there were no complaints as it had been a classic Dungeness autumnal day of grounded drift migrants.

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Seabirds and raptors

Dungeness - mild, cloudy, S6 -  A birding day tour for Wendy and Mike from Sussex commenced in grand style with a superb seawatch from the fishing boats. The strong to gale force southerly wind had pushed hundreds of Gannets and Guillemots close to shore affording cracking views of these ocean wanderers as they streamed down-Channel. There was also a good supporting cast of Red-throated Divers, Kittiwakes, 3 Fulmars, 2 Razorbills and a smart Arctic Skua, while large gaggles of Brent Geese forged the other way. Amongst the beach gulls was an adult Yellow-legged and the regular 1st winter Caspian.
RSPB - Around Burrowes all the usual wintering wildfowl including 5 Goldeneyes and 3 Smew, plus Peregrine and Marsh Harrier. The Long-eared Owl had shifted its roost site behind the discovery pond, slightly to the right and in a bit, but could still be seen well enough despite the strong wind. Elsewhere around the site, Tree Sparrows, Great White Egret, Reed Bunting, plus a large mixed flock of Lapwings, Golden Plovers and Wigeon on the fields at Boulderwall.
Scotney - Plenty of diving duck and Wigeon on the lake, plus feral geese and Curlew on the grass.
Walland Marsh - The Bewick`s Swans remained in the Mute Swan flock at Hook`s Wall and several Yellowhammers were located at Midley drying barns. We finished the day counting 22 Marsh Harriers coming to a reedbed roost site, whilst trying not to be distracted by a hunting Barn Owl! Great stuff.

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Summer 2015

Traditionally a quieter season for birds, the early part of summer can be memorable for a rich variety of alternative flora and fauna. As I always attempt to have at least one day a week without using motorised transport this day in June typified one of my favourite kind of summer ramblings.

Summer 2015 - Lade - 14th June - Dragons and snakes

It had been a muggy night with low cloud cover and light airs, perfect infact for moth activity, and indeed the garden mv was stuffed to the gills with a host of macros and micros, beetles and other flying insects. Sifting through the gaudy hawk-moths I came across a couple of old favourites in the form of a snowy White Ermine and the localised White Spot, plus a migrant Bordered Straw that was new for the trap, but expected as others had already turned up in moth traps across the peninsula.
  By mid-morning our B&B guests had departed and with the sun breaking cover it was time for a wander out back. The storm beaches were smothered in wild flowers of every kind as the sunshine opened petals of stonecrops and dolly belles. Tall, pink foxgloves contrasted with purple bugloss and sulphur broom, while vetches and trefoils attracted a myriad of Small Heath and Common Blue butterflies.

  At the ponds the humidity level was high as the sun beat down on bare pebbles luring scores of newly emerged dragons and damsels into life, including several Four-spotted Chasers and Emperors. Marsh Frogs laughed loudly, a Grass Snake basked atop matted water weed and a myriad of invertebrates burst forth taking advantage of the hot micro-climate between bund and willows. Great swathes of Valerian and thick patches of honeysuckle attracted swarms of honey bees along with Red Admirals, Painted Ladies and Small Tortoiseshells.

  In the end I spent a couple of hours around the ponds immersed in this wealth of nature. On the walk back home more plants were interrogated and pondered over, and whilst sitting in the garden with a cool drink later on a Hummingbird-hawk moth inspected the patio Senetti. As the sun dipped in early evening small bats hawked insects in the lee of the garden fir trees to end a truly wonderful day of wildlife watching, and all within walking distance of home.

Monday, 28 December 2015

Memories of 2015 - Spring

Its been a tricky task selecting a stand out day from the spring season as there have been more than one or two candidates. Seawatching was good in parts, particularly for divers, and there was a decent spread of late Arctic waders on the sands. White-winged Terns and Black-winged Stilts were the obvious rarity days, but in the end I selected a classic passage migrant day on the land, something that is few and far between these days.

Spring 2015 - A fall of migrants - 13th April, Lade and Dungeness

The day dawned bright and fair as I wandered around the garden, mug of tea in hand, coming to terms with the new day. Amongst the chattering spadgers the sibilant song of a Willow Warbler wafted across from an adjacent garden, lifting the spirits and a sure sign that migrants had dropped in overnight and were on the move. As we walked down Taylor Road more were heard uttering sub-songs from ornamental bushes and trees. At cattery corner the pine tree held two Blackcaps and a Chiffchaff, while Stonechats chacked from nearby broom scrub.
  Across the storm beaches towards Mockmill five Wheatears flushed from tussocks and a pulse of Swallows skidded low over the pebbles heading north. The sewer was alive with the rasping sound of Sedge Warblers song-flighting from bramble wands and Whitethroats scratching in gorse thickets. More Willow Warblers and Blackcaps emerged to bask in the warm sunshine, following their nocturnal exertions, while a Ring Ouzel clacked loudly before disappearing behind the wall `mirror`. On the walk back to Plovers a `proper` spring rarity fizzed overhead calling in the shape of a Tree Pipit, and to complete a cracking morning of migrant hunting on the local patch a Black Redstart sat atop the cottage roof as we arrived home.

  Following a late second breakfast it was off to Dungeness, via the Kerton Road café to get a moth identification confirmed, and pause to admire a Red Kite soaring over the peninsula. Whilst chatting to Dorothy she commented on the numbers of Blackcaps in her garden that seemed to be arriving thick and fast along with Willow Warblers and Black Redstarts. My suspicions were confirmed that despite the unlikely weather conditions for a fall, one was certainly underway, and this was hammered home shortly after we arrived at the point. Wandering around the scrub between the old light and the Obs warblers were everywhere. By the moat a flock of 10 Blackcaps foraged bunting-like on the open shingle, with scores more in the blackthorn scrub along with Willow Warblers and Whitethroats.

  Inevitably there was quality to be found: several Ring Ouzels, Lesser Whitethroats and Common Redstarts were located, plus the icing on any spring cake, a stunning cock Pied Flycatcher. Overhead more Swallows pushed inland along with a trickle of Meadow Pipits, Yellow Wagtails, another Tree Pipit and a missed Woodlark.
  But the day belonged to the humble Blackcap that continued to arrive throughout the afternoon, probably in the low hundreds. It reminded me that there used to be many more days like this during the spring at Dungeness, and other coastal migration hot spots years ago, so we stuck around to soak up the experience as you just never know when the next one is going to come along.

Sunday, 27 December 2015

Memories of 2015 - Winter

Looking back over the past year is nearly always an overwhelming experience, as it is then that you realise just what a grand place Dungeness and the surrounding environs are. Our guests are often amazed at the wealth of flora and fauna hereabouts, which then reminds me how lucky we are, and not to take it for granted. Anyhow, rather than doing a full review of the birding year I thought I would select some special moments which lodged in the memory bank and typified each season.

Winter - A sky full of birds - 18th January 
For me the highlight of any winter birding day is to join CP for the monthly harrier roost count out on Walland Marsh. We do six each year, but this one just hit the right note as the weather played its part, being calm and cool with a stunning sunset, and birds were everywhere. An added aspect of these jaunts is being abroad with a true countryman who knows every square yard of his beloved Romney Marsh; and I like to feel that just a wee bit of Chris`s passion for the place will rub off on me.

  En-route to site we paused to admire the wild swan flock at Horse Bones farm; nervy Bewick`s and a Whooper amongst their tamed kin. Further down the lane an explosion of Fieldfares and Redwings burst forth from tall hedgerows whilst plundering hawthorn berries, and at Midley a precious, but perilously low number of Corn Buntings and Trees Sparrows were enjoyed.
  Approaching the harrier roost site a spectacle unfolded before our very eyes so typical of these flatlands when several thousand Golden Plovers, Lapwings and Starlings careered into the ether as one unit to escape a pair of hunting Peregrines. We stood and watched, awestruck, as this biomass of rushing wings swirled around our heads before alighting onto the wet fields to join a gaggle of Greylags and White-fronts.
  Walking the roughs beside the sewer a wisp of zig-zagging Snipe included a tiny Jack, while Barney disturbed Skylarks, Meadow Pipits and Linnets from their weed-seed foraging along the way. Chiffchaff, Bearded Tit and Cetti`s Warbler called from reed and sallow and a Kestrel hovered overhead.
  From our watchpoint atop the bund a distant Buzzard perched on a ruined farm building while  hundreds of black crows noisily flapped inland to Wealden roosts, and as the sun dipped below the Isle of Oxney in came our quarry bird - the Marsh Harrier. Wrapped around the sunset hour a continuous stream of harriers of all ages, and both sexes, fluttered over the roost site like giant moths before eventually dropping into the safety of the reedbed for the night: 21 were counted to bed that evening, and as we headed for home in the gloaming the night shift arrived in the shape of a Barn Owl quartering the wetlands, the distant call of a Little Owl and a Badger rambling across a ley.
  A truly memorable afternoon on Walland Marsh.

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Storm Eva approaches

Lade - mild, dry and sunny sw 3 - The past few days have been spent trudging around the local patch into the teeth of gale force winds and drizzle with, unsurprisingly, nothing new on offer apart from an increase in Teal numbers to over 300. However, today the wind slackened and the sun broke cover putting an altogether contrasting outlook on yesterdays grey world; and with the winter solstice now passed every day brings slowly lengthening daylight hours.
The poor weather at least allows time indoors to catch up on those end-of-year jobs, such as collating bird records to submit to the county recorder. Species wise we`re slightly down this year on 209, but its still been an interesting, and at times spectacular, birding year one way and another, of which I shall endeavour to post a summary over the coming week.
RSPB - We called in at the bird reserve this morning to show our 5 year old grandson his first Long-eared Owl, which was posing nicely in the warm sunshine in its usual position at the back of the discovery pond. He also picked out and identified a couple of Great White Egrets at Boulderwall and New Diggings, but after the owl spectacle I just couldn`t get him interested in a 1st winter Caspian Gull on Burrowes...
The weather remained fair for most of the day, but by dusk the wind started to pick up as Storm Eva approached the British Isles. While the worst of the wind and rain are forecast to clobber the long-suffering north-west the next couple of days could also be a bit lively down here too.

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Barrel Jellyfish

Lade - mild, cloudy, sw 3 - A circuit of the local patch this morning delivered the usual wildfowl on the lakes, plus 2 new Goldeneyes. Most of the ducks were on the more sheltered northerly water along with a flock of 500 gulls that included a smart adult Caspian Gull. Several hundred Coots were crammed onto the weedy waters round the willow swamp where they were continually harried by female Marsh Harriers.
There was much activity on the bay with an ebb tide attracting huge numbers of waders and gulls. From the Tavern a rough count through a 90 degree sweep went something like: 3,000 Black-headed, 1,500 Common, 900 Herring, 800 Great Blacks and 600 Lesser Black, plus 3 Meds, 2 Kittiwakes and an adult Yellow-legged Gull. There were hundreds more towards Littlestone and Dungeness.
Wader wise, seven out of ten species were present, plus 4 Shelducks and a sickly looking Brent Goose.

                                Barrel Jellyfish, Greatstone Beach

On the foreshore opposite the Tavern at least 50 Barrel Jellyfish had been beached by the high tide. These alien-like ocean drifters normally occur in the summer months following sustained south-westerlies, but it`s unusual to see such numbers about now as they normally go deep for the winter. Wandering around looking at these primitive animals, some about the size of a dinner plate, made me wonder how far they`d travelled across the Atlantic Ocean to end their days on a windswept beach in southern England. It all seemed just a little bit sad really, still that`s the natural world for you.
Walland Marsh - Accompanied CP to our usual watch point for the monthly harrier roost count, which was low at four birds, although at least a dozen others were in the general area. A Greylag flock held 10 White-fronts, and were our first of the winter, while small numbers of Bewick` Swans could be seen amongst the Mutes by Hook`s Wall. Other highlights included 5 Buzzards, 2 Kestrels, 500 Lapwings, 5 Snipe, Bearded Tit, Cetti`s Warbler and best of all good views of a Merlin 

Saturday, 19 December 2015

Azorean plume

Dungeness - warm, dry, sunny, s 3 -The record breaking day time temperatures for December peaked at 16C this afternoon in the garden, while last night it remained in double figures. At the point this morning even the brisk southerly wind couldn`t suppress the plume of warm air sweeping up from the Azores. An hour from the fishing boats delivered a steady flow of Gannets, Kittiwakes and auks along with a few Red-throated Divers, a Fulmar and 5 Common Scoters. On the shingle a well marked 1st winter Caspian Gull was amongst the Herrings and Black-backs by the road, while at least two other individuals were located throughout the day.
Late afternoon we called in at the Obs for mulled wine and a mince pie where this unseasonable  weather had delivered a stunning Striped Hawk-moth to the mv trap last night, incredible.

                                      Long-eared Owl, Dungeness RSPB

RSPB - I make no apologies for posting another pic of the superb Long-eared Owl that continues to roost in sallows behind the discovery pond on the bird reserve, and today it was particularly showy  basking in the warm sunshine. Twenty years ago these owls were regularly encountered during the winter across the Romney Marsh roosting in shelter belts above ditches, often in small flocks;
in my native Bedfordshire I once found a flock of 12 Long-eared Owls roosting in dry scrub on the Chilterns at Dunstable Downs.
  Sadly this bird is much rarer today, so make the most of this gorgeous creature, as you just never know when one will present itself in such a confiding fashion in future. As a lasting memory local wildlife artist Stephen Message ( ) has produced a magnificent painting of the Leo. Limited edition prints are on sale in the Visitor Centre.
Elsewhere around the bird reserve Great White Egrets at Boulderwall and ARC, plus Chiffchaffs, Great Spotted Woodpecker and Marsh Harrier behind Tower Pits.

Friday, 18 December 2015

Red-listed Curlew

Rye - mild, dry, cloudy, sw2 - At Scotney the usual feral geese and ducks were noted on the grass and water respectively, plus a Great White Egret in the Sussex corner. Down at Rye Harbour Flat Beach was packed out with gulls, waders and wildfowl with several thousand Golden Plovers and Lapwings and hundreds of Teal and Wigeon the highlights. In amongst the throng were good numbers of Curlew, Redshank, Shelduck, Ringed Plover, Turnstone and Dunlin. A flock of 30 Skylarks over was noteworthy and a Peregrine spooked the plovers more than once.

                                Redshank, Rye Harbour

Walland Marsh - Crossing the Marsh on the way home, at Hook Wall, a flock of 150 Mutes feeding on oil-seed rape contained at least 17 Bewick`s Swans, but the views were obscured so there may well have been one or two more. Two Common Buzzards and a Little Owl were noted near Wheelsgate.
Lade - With light airs and the sun dipping rapidly we trudged out across the shingle to Mockmill for last knockings and a roost watch, until I realised that the Curlews were roosting by our watch point. There was no way I was going to flush them so we altered the route and tucked in at the southern end of the sewer, on a gorse ridge with views to the north. I was dismayed, but not surprised, to read in British Birds recently that this magnificent wader has been red-listed in the latest Birds of Conservation Concern review. It is a bird I`m lucky enough to hear and see on a daily basis and everything about them resonates of wild places. I shall not take them for granted in future.
Anyhow, whilst musing over the Curlews, 4 Marsh Harriers headed towards the bird reserve, along with hundreds of corvids, but there was no sign of the Short-eared Owl on the airport fields.
The day finished with another cracking sunset over the flatlands.

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

December doldrums

Lade - mild, overcast, sw 2 - I`ll come clean - December is my least favourite month of the year; nothing much happens birdwise, visitors are at their lowest ebb and then there`s Christmas around the corner... enough said.
Trudging round the local patch these past few days have been pretty samey, with a flock of 7 Shelducks yesterday the only `highlight`. On the plus side it has been ludicrously mild and in a moment of madness I even considered getting the shorts out! Around the willow swamp tits, crests and Chiffs had no trouble feeding on the clouds of midges, while back home in the garden several bumble bees were noted on the winter jasmine.
RSPB -It wasn`t much better on the bird reserve with no sign of any Smew on Burrowes or the Long-eared Owl behind the discovery pond, although the owl was reported later on. Over the road we managed to find a couple of Smew on ARC from the pines, and 2 Great White Egrets, but the main source of interest was a Great Spotted Woodpecker hammering away on a power line pole with great determination. By mid-afternoon the Mordor-like gloom and drizzle descended, sending us scuttling home for a brew.
The only other local news today came from Dungeness where up to three different Caspian Gulls were located amongst the roosting gulls (DW).

                                Great Spotted Woodpecker, ARC

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Oystercatchers and Coots

Lade - mild, cloudy, occasional drizzle, sw 2 - We spent the weekend birding on the hoof, so nice and local with the car anchored firmly on the driveway. Yesterday I concentrated on the bay counting waders on a rising tide. It can be a bit of a lottery here depending upon disturbance as well as the height of the tide, but I did manage to get a pretty accurate count of Oystercatchers. They were all bunched together at Greatstone, and as the tide ran in flew towards me, and their roost site at Kerton Road pits, in dribs and drabs allowing 920 to be logged. All ten species of waders were eventually tracked down, but only a handful each of Ringed and Grey Plovers. Along the way 5 Med Gulls and 2 Shelducks were also noted.

                                Oystercatchers, Lade bay
This morning it was WeBS count on the pits and it took ages to complete due to the light airs scattering wildfowl all over the place. Eventually, after a recount due to Marsh Harrier attacks, I came up with 1,620 Coots, a new site record, and 540 Gadwalls, plus lesser numbers of Wigeon, Shoveler, Teal, Pochard and the like.
  Whilst on the subject of harriers I watched an old female working the southern end of south lake when she jinked in a corner reedbed and disappeared completely. A careful walk back towards the action revealed the bird had made a kill and was tucking in with gusto. Shortly afterwards feathers floated out across the lake and after 15 minutes she flew off revealing her breakfast to have been a Water Rail, of which there are a plentiful supply hereabouts.
  Around the willow swamp a number of Long-tailed Tits, Goldcrests, Cetti`s Warblers and Chiffchaff noted, while an adult Caspian Gull was amongst a roost of 500 gulls on north lake. Elsewhere around the site, a Great White Egret, Kingfisher, Sparrowhawk, 10 Skylarks, 5 Goldfinches, 5 Mipits and a brown Merlin over the desert.

                                Coots, and more Coots, Lade

Friday, 11 December 2015

Weekend forecast

ARC/Tower Pits - mild, cloudy, sw 3 - For a change of scene we wandered down to the pines and along the back towards Lydd by the railway line. Several Chiffchaffs, Goldcrests and at least one Firecrest were present in tit flocks, while the sea buckthorn held a dozen Song Thrushes and Blackbirds and a Reed Bunting. There was precious little else on the farmland apart from loads of corvids and a few Common Gulls. On the margins of the pits Cetti`s Warbler, Water Rail and a Great White Egret over was about it. From Screen hide the usual wildfowl and a couple of Marsh Harriers.

                                Bewick`s Swans, Walland Marsh

Walland Marsh - A herd of 15 Bewick`s Swans was noticeable in a field by the wind farm and viewable with care from the busy A259. The hedgerows around Midley were full of Fieldfares and from Brookland to Lydd we noted 5 Kestrels and 3 Common Buzzards.
Burrowes - Called in to pay homage to the roosting Long-eared Owl in the sallows behind the discovery pond along with a steady flow of visiting owl disciples.
Summary: Anyone planning a trip down to the Marsh this weekend should be assured a wide range of wintering species. Offshore at Dungeness the usual Gannets, Kittiwakes, auks and Red-throats are almost a given, while there`s always the chance of a scarce duck, diver or skua; this week has also noted both Balearic and Sooty Shearwaters, plus a Leache`s Petrel. If gulls are your bag then you`re in for a treat as Caspian and Yellow-legged Gulls are present most days on the beach by the fishing boats, and if identification is a problem (and when isn't it!) then Saturday afternoon normally witness the gull aficionados on site with their buckets of fish offal and bread to entice the brutes into camera range.
  On the bird reserve the usual Great White Egrets are still around the site (although some have temporarily decamped to Brett`s marina this past week) plus Smew on Burrowes and of course the Long-eared Owl. In the Visitors Centre there is an optical display this weekend and you may even be able to find a Christmas gift in the shop.
  Elsewhere, as already mentioned, small numbers of Bewick`s Swans are scattered around the Marsh, up to 4 Purple Sandpipers have been noted on the sea defence blocks on Hythe sea front and a Glossy Ibis is present at Pett Level. 

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Beach gulls

Lade - mild, cloudy, sw 5 - Another breezy day forced the water birds to move onto the more sheltered north lake and around the willow swamp, where 2 Marsh Harriers were in attendance.
The mystery of the green signs has been resolved, apparently they`re markers for testing water quality.
A check of the sands at midday from the tavern revealed at least 500 Dunlins and 300 Sanderlings amongst six species of shorebirds, plus a thousand gulls, mainly Black-headed and Common Gulls.

                               Adult Kittiwake, Dungeness

Dungeness - From the fishing boats this afternoon a steady flow of close Gannets and Kittiwakes moved west, plus a few auks and a Red-throated Diver in an hour. Several hundred gulls on the beach included a few Kittiwakes, plus an immature Caspian Gull located by PB and DW.
NB: On the bird reserve the Long-eared Owl had returned to roost in the sallows behind the discovery pond and 6 Smew were on Burrowes.

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Beach birds

Dungeness - 0800hrs - mild, dry, sunny, sw 2 - A superb morning for a walk along the beach. We started at the Patch where there was a couple of hundred commoner gulls over the boil, plus the same again on the foreshore towards Penn Bars, where heavy plant was moving shingle in front of B Station. Pied Wagtail, Mipit and Goldfinch noted along the power station wall and 5 Skylarks flew  overhead calling. Apart from the usual gulls and Turnstones the walk down to the fishing boats delivered brief views of a brown Merlin. A chat with the seawatchers confirmed that apart from a few Kittiwakes, Gannets, scoters and divers, all was quiet on the sea.

                                Turnstones, Dungeness

                               Great Black-back juv with damaged leg

Lade - The wind picked up this afternoon but that didn`t prevent the wintering Short-eared Owl putting on a late show over Mockmill.

Monday, 7 December 2015

December Balearics

Dungeness - 0815-0930hrs - mild, sunny, ssw 3 - We joined the locals for a seawatch from the fishing boats this morning where a warm onshore wind kept the seabird interest ticking over. The highlight was 3 down-Channel Balearic Shearwaters, which I`m almost sure are my first in December. The main feature of the watch though was a trickle of Razorbills, Guillemots, Kittiwakes and Gannets, 12 Red-throated Divers and 3 Fulmars, plus 50 Great Crested Grebes on the sea.
On the beach an adult Yellow-legged Gull was amongst the roosting Black-backs and Herring Gulls.

Lade - No change here from the weekend although it was fascinating to watch a pair of Marsh Harriers trying to work out how to get Coot on their breakfast menu. With so many bunched together by the willow swamp their strategy was to scatter and divide looking for a weakling. The much larger female dropped onto one bird which then dived leaving the harrier floundering amongst the water weed. The smaller male thought better of it and drifted off to search for more suitable prey; while I`ve often seen mature adult females kill Coots, mostly in the winter when they`re desperate, I`ve yet to witness a male doing likewise.Whilst watching the Coot/harrier shenanigans a Kingfisher flashed by with a Sparrowhawk in hot pursuit!
At last knockings we wandered across to Mockmill, into a glorious setting sun, where the wintering Short-eared Owl was already on the wing gliding over the sewer searching for a meal. As the light fell away hundreds of corvids flew to roost along with 5 Marsh Harriers and 3 Little Egrets. On the walk back a cacophony of Water Rails kicked off in the main reedbed on south lake.

                                Sunset over Mockmill

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Tideline wander

Lade - mild, cloudy, dry, sw 5 - A blustery old day with Storm Desmond whipping up-Channel; although looking at the rainfall levels in north-west Britain I reckon we`ve got away lightly down here. After checking the pits, where the now expected water birds were still present in huge numbers, we walked the beach down to Littlestone searching the tideline for a Snow Bunting and the like, but all we could conjure up was a few Turnstones, a couple of Pied Wagtails and a Mipit. Out on the bay hundreds of tiny Sanderlings and Dunlins continued to feed in what was sand blizzard conditions.
Lydd -  At the back of Horsebones farm 4 Bewick`s Swans briefly stuck their heads up amongst the oil-seed rape within a Mute Swan flock. Brett`s pit continues to attract a number of Great White and Little Egrets, presumably due to an abundance of food, while the Long-eared Owl was still present on the bird reserve.

Thursday, 3 December 2015

The Missed List

Lade - mild, cloudy, sw 3 - Another dry, spring-like day with occasional sunshine. We worked the local patch where a couple of new signs had been erected on the causeway between the two lakes. After tweeting the conundrum out it seems that others had been found at Long Pits and ARC, but nobody locally has any idea who put them up and what for, so the mystery continues...
Birdwise it was pretty much of a muchness with up to 2,000 Coots, ducks and grebes on the lakes with only 2 Goldeneyes of any note. Several Marsh Harriers, Common Buzzard and Kestrel noted plus the usual vocal Water Rails and Cetti`s Warblers around the willow swamp, and the highlight of the morning a flock of 30 Greenfinches.
As depicted below Barney is back on fine form after his teeth extractions. This morning he flushed a rather large brown rat that duly went to ground in a patch of reeds, which was a sensible move on the rat`s part as Barney hates getting his feet wet!
RSPB - A quick look at Burrowes revealed the usual Goosanders and Smews on the lake, plus 2 Yellow-legged and a Caspian Gull from Makepeace hide. The roosting Long-eared Owl continues to attract a steady flow of admirers to the discovery pond sallows.

                                Mysterious marker posts...

The Missed List
Its that time of year again when we start looking back at what birds we missed during our birding sorties around the Marsh in 2015. So far 209 species have been accumulated, which is quite a bit short of the 225 species high of five years ago, not that I`m complaining as there have been some amazing highlights, more of which in a later post.
However, there`s always the chance of something new before the year is out, like a Waxwing flock drifting south or a scarce water bird on the gravel pits, such as Red-necked Grebe or Long-tailed Duck; and despite a fair bit of seawatching this year we never did connect with a Velvet Scoter. Other omissions from the seabird list included Rosy Tern, Long-tailed Skua, Sabine`s and Glaucous Gulls, although the latter could yet still put in an appearance at Dungeness.
Anyhow, it was a poor year for waders, mainly due to high water levels on the pits, with no Pec or Buffy Sandpipers, or even a tricky little `peep` to mull over. Golden Plover flocks were searched for Dotterel, without success, and will we ever find our poster bird - Kentish Plover on the sands at Lade, it`s now ten years and waiting...
Missed raptors, for the third year running, included Osprey, and while there were several we just weren`t in the right place at the right time as they rarely tarry here due to mobbing by gulls. Monty`s and Black Kite were also absentees. To finish off the dipped non-passerines, Bee-eater eluded us, as did Tawny Owl, but no surprise there.
As for passerines there were quite a few we missed, typically brief flyover types such as Woodlark, Serin, Lap and Snow Bunts, plus Water Pipit, Gropper, Golden Oriole, Great Grey Shrike, Short-toed and Common Treecreepers, Barred and Wood Warblers, none of them easy down here and several that put in an appearance when we were off the Marsh.
Aquatic Warbler is another one of those target species, along with Kentish Plover, that nags away and remains absent for another year. The location is right, so is the habitat and there are no shortage of birders searching for them. I guess both species are in such steep decline on their continental breeding grounds that with each passing year the chances of finding one just gets slimmer and slimmer.

                               The ghost of Denge Beach

Whilst on the subject of absentees, this was the first year we didn`t record a Turtle Dove on passage on the local patch at Lade during the spring or autumn. No surprise really as there was only a handful of breeding birds reported on the Marsh farmland.
But by far the biggest omission in 2015 was Grey Partridge. Numbers of this once common farmland bird have simply collapsed. Despite searching all its old haunts locally, and around Walland Marsh, I could not find a single covey, pair, or singing cock bird, nothing. Sad times indeed for this quintessential farmland bird.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Swan search

Lade - mild, dry, cloudy, sw 3 - With the passing of Storm Clodagh yesterday the weather settled down today and was incredibly spring-like, nudging 15C around midday. Flight views of a Bittern was the highlight this morning, followed by a Short-eared Owl this evening from the viewpoint by the school. On the bay Knot numbers were up to 150 and 2 Brents were sat on the sands at low tide.
Walland Marsh - Following reports of the first Bewick`s Swans of the winter yesterday I checked the fields between Old Romney and Lydd, but without success; although one flock of swans in a distant field from Swamp Lane was partly obscured and unidentifiable. Several Marsh Harriers, Kestrel and Buzzard were noted, plus Mistle Thrush and 10 Fieldfares.
On the bird reserve the usual wildfowl, including sawbills on Burrowes, plus the Long-eared Owl  roosting behind the discovery pond.
It seemed odd birding without Barney as he spent the day at the vets having some dental work done. However, when I picked him up I was relieved to see him bouncing around, despite being minus six teeth.