Monday, 20 April 2015

First Black Tern and Cuckoo

Dungeness - 0730hrs - cool, sunny, ne 3 - Joined TG and PB in the seawatch hide for 30 minutes during which time nothing much happened apart from a few Whimbrel and scoter moving up-Channel. However, at the Patch our first Black Tern of the year was wheeling over the boil along with 100 or so Common Terns. Passerines were virtually absent and a Sparrowhawk zipped along the power station wall.
Lade - Fairly quiet here too with the highlight being the first Cuckoo of the spring calling from the willow swamp. Also, four Whimbrel overhead and 20 Swallows over south lake.


  1. Your blog really is exceptional, I don't think a day has gone by without you seeing some new migrant - talk about living in exactly the right spot.

  2. We do take a lot for-granted at Dungeness, and its only when I have guests in that I`m reminded how good it really is. We`re all getting a little bit excited down here at the weather forecast for this coming Friday - a change in the wind direction and rain, it could be a cracker for both seabirds and landbirds, so watch this space...
