Thursday 2 May 2019

Wood Warbler

Dungeness - warm, dry, sunny, nw 2 - The final day of our Birdwatching Break for Jill, Tony and John commenced in the Trapping Area where a Wood Warbler proved a tricky challenge in the willow scrub by the Pilots path. While it had regular bursts of song it only offered up obscured views a couple of time of what is a scarce passage migrant in these parts. There had obviously been a drop in of warblers overnight as Willow, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Garden, Whitethroat and Lesser Whitethroat were all heard. We also had clonking views of our first Grizzled Skipper of spring in one of the clearings.

                                Grizzled Skipper, Trapping Area

  Moving onto Burrowes where Whimbrel and Turnstone were the only passage waders on show, plus 80 Common Terns on the islands and tern raft in front of Dennis`s hide.
  We finished off at Lade from the lookout point where Buzzard, Marsh Harrier, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk all took advantage of the thermals bouncing off the shingle soaring overhead, while several pulses of Swallows and House Martins pushed north into the wind.
  So, a successful week for our Dorset regulars during which time we rattled up a combined 121 species of birds. While there was a good range of seabirds and waders on the list we all agreed that the session with the Nightingales up on the Weald was the highlight due to the quality of the views.

                                Bird of the week

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