Sunday 8 November 2020


 Lade - warm, dry and sunny, light airs - A superb weekend of fine weather enabled much time to be spent out and about in the field away from the gloom of Lockdown. Across the peninsula and in the garden fir trees Goldcrests seemed to be everywhere. Having magically appeared overnight from across the sea most were tired and confiding as they searched for insectivorous food in the mild weather conditions; I watched one individual picking off spiders from around the window frame at the front of the cottage only a couple of yards away. One or two Chiffchaffs and Firecrests were also noted along with a Dartford Warbler and several Stonechats in Mockmill sewer. A ringtail Hen Harrier was also noted hunting the farmland between Romney Salts and the airfield (DS, OL). Flocks of Goldfinches continue to pass overhead along the coast with lesser numbers of Redpoll, Siskins, Skylarks and the occasional Brambling. All the usual waders were present on the bay and at high tide small parties of Brent Geese came and went.

Goldcrest, Plovers

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