Monday 29 July 2024

Northern Waders

Warm, dry and sunny, SE 3- Superb morning session at Scotney sand pit where a flock of 26 Dunlins held singles of Curlew Sandpiper and Little Stint (both moulting adults) in their midst. However, a Hobby came barelling in over the water and flushed the lot, although the stint did return later along with two Black-tailed Godwits. Also of note a Wood Sandpiper, a Greenshank, two Ringed Plovers, several Common and Green Sandpipers, Avocets, Lapwings and Oystercatchers, plus the usual array of Shelducks, feral geese, Little Egrets, Pied and Yellow Wagtails. A check  of Lade pits produced nothing new.

                                   Dunlin, (from the archives, 2015 Lade Bay)

During our Ted walks over the weekend several Willow Warblers were noted around New Romney gardens and parks on Saturday, plus a family of Kestrels and Common Buzzards being attended to north of the town and a Little Ringed Plover along the foreshore (quite unusual) yesterday at Pirate Springs, where several fledged Skylarks were present. I`m without a camera at the moment, being in the process of exchanging my well-used bridge camera for an up-dated version which should arrive by next weekend, so any pics on the blog this week will be from my archives. 

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