Mild, cloudy, NW2 - A circuit of the local patch at Lade was largely uneventful apart from the briefest of views of a Dartford Warbler in the gorse beside the main track. On the lakes four Goldeneyes were among the usual range of wintering ducks, while several more Great Crested Grebes had moved back with the forthcoming breeding season in mind. Signs of the approaching spring also came from trilling Dabchicks and singing Great Tits, Chaffinches and Reed Buntings. Elsewhere this past week the latter species has begun to return to its wetland haunts across the bird reserve and the farmland drainage ditches around New Romney, along with singing Skylark, Meadow Pipit, Yellowhammer and Greenfinch. A Bittern has been `booming` for a week or more now at Hookers and the track down to the pines has witnessed plenty of newt activity, while Toads too have been on the move. A scan from the Tavern viewpoint on a falling tide at noon revealed seven species of shorebirds, plus c500 Common Gulls. Further work on clearing willow scrub from the banks of north lake at Lade has resulted in improved viewing across the water, while on a sadder note the vandals have been at the signage again. To finish on a positive note the finishing touches have been applied to some more Tree Sparrow nest boxes and the plan is to erect them near the Scotney sand pit.
Lade north