Tuesday 5 February 2013

Winter Wildfowl

Lade - 0800hrs  - cold, sunny, w 4 - A chilly start to the day which got steadily colder as the wind picked up. A wander over the pits revealed all the usual ducks including 6 Goldeneyes, 2 redhead Smew and a Shelduck. Around the willows Green Woodpecker, Cetti`s Warbler and several Water Rails. The Black-throated Diver remained on north pit where it was lurking in the channel near the swing bridge to the `mirrors`. A Bittern broke cover and a Great White Egret was at the far end. Best of all though was a pair of Peregrines calling and engaging in a bit of pair bonding overhead.

                                          Black-throated Diver, Lade north

Scotney - 0930hrs - Had a scout round with MH at the wheel this morning. First stop Scotney
to check for yesterdays Scaup, but without success. All the usual wildfowl including the feral Barnacle flock. A circuit of the Galloways road produced 30 Fieldfares, Stonechat, Sparrowhawk and Peregrine.
RSPB - The fields at Boulderwall were full of Stock Doves, Lapwings, Curlews, Wigeons, gulls and feral geese. From Dengemarsh hide we had distant views of 5 Bearded Tits feeding on phragmites plus a Brent amongst the feral geese and Lapwings on the fields. Nothing much from Burrowes apart from the usual wildfowl and 2 Ravens over. Over the road from Hanson 15 Smew, including 2 drakes and 8 Goldeneyes. Around the reserve at least 5 each of Marsh Harrier and Great White Egret.
ARC - 1500hrs - A last look around from Screen hide delivered Green and Greater peckers on the walk down, a flock of 30 Goldies over, 3 Marsh Harriers and a flyover Bittern.

Smew, ARC       

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