Sunday 24 March 2019

Kentish Plover

Lade  - warm, dry and sunny, light airs - A mix of weather over the weekend commenced with mild, overcast conditions on Friday night that resulted in a heavy passage of winter thrushes, mainly Redwings, over the cottage plus a few Blackbirds and Song Thrushes.
  There was little change to the birding scene across the peninsula although last night being cold and clear meant that there were fewer Wheatears, Chiffchaffs and Black Redstarts present, while a Rough-legged Buzzard was reported on Walland Marsh yesterday evening (CP).

                                Littlestone golf links

Littlestone - This morning we did a circular walk along the foreshore and back along the golf links. On the bay five Redshank, six Grey Plover and 80 Sandwich Terns were the best of the bunch. The land was busy with dog-walkers and golfers, but there were plenty of Skylarks and Meadow Pipits in song over the rough grass margins. One particular grassy patch by a golfers shelter seemed to attract a good few of the aforementioned plus 20 Linnets, several Pied Wagtails, a Wheatear and a Rock Pipit of the Scandinavian race, plus another probable that flushed off when a group of golfers approached.

  This afternoon, along with a sprightly crowd of local birders, we called in at DBO to celebrate David Walker`s anniversary tenure as observatory warden. Congratulations David on 30 years of sterling service.
Greatstone Beach - Late news this afternoon concerned a female Kentish Plover on the beach found by Owen L at one of this plover`s former traditional haunts. This is the first bay record in my time and very well received it was too by a steady trickle of locals.

                                Adult female Kentish Plover, Greatstone beach.