Sunday 28 April 2019

Roe Deer

Lade - cool, cloudy, nw 2 - Saturdays blasting westerly made most of the day unproductive for birding, although it did peter out come late afternoon. A circuit of the local patch produced all the usual birds on the pits, plus a flock of 12 Ringed Plovers on the beach. The highlight though was a Roe Deer running along the foreshore and looking completely lost; apparently it ended up feeding in a Greatstone garden and hopefully during the night found its way back inland to safer terrain.

                               Scaffold island Oystercatcher

Ringed Plovers on the bay 

Green Woodpecker

Birdwatching Break - This afternoon we started a five day Birdwatching Break for Jill, John and Tony from Dorset. We kicked off on the bird reserve at Boulderwall for Tree Sparrows, the few that remain that is, where also Whitethroat, Sedge Warbler, Reed Bunting, Greenfinch, Linnet and a Swift over, plus Marsh Harrier and Buzzard on the Boulderwall fields. Moving onto Burrowes where the islands were busy with waders, including 23 Dunlins, two Barwits, two Whimbrels, 10 Ringed Plovers, two Common Sandpipers and a Little Ringed Plover. We also had distant views of four Hobbies over Hooker`s way. Around the car park at least three Lesser Whitethroats were in song.
  We finished the afternoon at the point where a Serin had been seen earlier, but not by us. During the stake out Stonechats, Mipits, Linnets, two Black Redstart all noted, plus Gannet, Med Gull and Whimbrel over the sea.

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