Thursday, 2 January 2020

Short-eared Owl

Lade  - mild and overcast, drizzle, sw 2 - Another dull day with occasional drizzle in the morning and the wind picking up through the afternoon. The local patch was quiet with just a pair of Goldeneyes of note on south lake.
 This afternoon I called in at Boulderwall fields and managed to miss the Smew on Tanner`s Pool by a couple of minutes. It was then onto the Ranges for a walk out to the mound from Galloways where a Short-eared Owl quartered the rough grass by the tanks. Also present two Great White and five Little Egrets around the pools, plus 10 Ringed Plovers, Redshanks, Dunlins and Grey Plovers on the seaward side. On the walk back a Little Owl was noted on one of the old buildings; MH also had a Short-eared Owl from Galloways Road, while the male Hen Harrier was seen from Springfield Bridge earlier.

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