Dungeness RSPB - warm, dry and sunny, NE 3 - Perfect weather for a spot of survey work on Cetti`s Warblers, of which 18 singers were located, mostly across Dengemarsh; but only one seen quite well from the ramp. Also in the Hookers area several `pinging` Bearded Tits and displaying Marsh Harriers, plus a `booming` Bittern to go with two others elsewhere on the reserve. At least four Garganeys were at the back of the lake from Dengemarsh hide with another two on Gun Club pool. On the hayfields four Redshanks, 80 Teal, two Shelduck and a Black-tailed Godwit. Burrowes still had six Goldeneyes and a pair of Pintail amongst hundreds of Shovelers, Wigeons, diving ducks and Coots.
Dennis`s LookoutFirth Lookout
Makepeace Lookout
Peregrine, Dungeness
Hide Update
The old Firth and Makepeace hides were cleared away this week leaving wide, open lookout points at both locations, although the latter has been left with two temporary screens until its replacement sometime in the future. Next week a new structure is due to be erected by hide specialists Gilleard at Firth to give some shelter. Also this week the lookout point beside Dennis`s hide has been opened up. Over the road on ARC work on repairing Hanson hide is almost complete and according to Craig the hide will reopen shortly, most likely in early April, although the willow trail will remain closed for some time yet.