Sunday, 2 April 2023

Penduline Tit

Cold, dry and sunny, NNE 4 - A dry day at last, albeit chilly, but with blue skies. Started off on the local patch at Lade where it was good to connect with my first spring Willow Warbler singing by the ponds along with a Blackcap and several Chiffchaffs, a Cetti`s Warbler and a Greenfinch. A check of the lakes revealed plenty of grebe activity and around 50 Shovelers. Dungeness was quiet after yesterdays Alpine Swifts and Hooded Crow with neither birds reported today. The Patch was churning over but only attracted a couple of hundred regular gulls.

                                  Spitfires over Lade

Moving onto the bird reserve and as I pulled up in the ARC car park news came through of a Penduline Tit discovered in the reed bed near Screen hide, but mainly viewable from Hanson hide. I had brief views of the bird from Screen hide as it flew up and alighted in the reeds before disappearing from sight. Also noted six Whimbrel over and a flight view of a Bittern. At Cook`s Pool the `resident` Glossy Ibis pair were close to the gate feeding along the margins, another two Whimbrels came through and a Yellow Wagtail hurried inland, which was my first of the year. Also noted the usual Marsh Harriers, Common Buzzard, Kestrel, Shelducks, Wigeon, Teal and Lapwings.

                                  Glossy Ibis, Cook`s Pool

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