Thursday 9 November 2023

Arctic Tern

Dungeness - cool and cloudy, heavy showers, W3 - Following on from yesterdays deluge, this morning the rain was pretty much constant apart from a brief two hour window around midday when the sun poked through the clouds. Firstly we checked out Lade where a flock of 50 Wigeon was noteworthy, flying around the lake as though they`d just arrived. Moving onto the point and a late Swallow hurried out to sea off the lifeboat station. We walked the foreshore up to the fishing boats where the juvenile Arctic Tern was still present flying up and down the tideline along with a scattering of gulls, Cormorants and Great Crested Grebes on the water; but there was little else on the move apart from a few distant Gannets and auks. 

                                  Arctic Tern, Dungeness

                                 Ted on the turf

                                 Mediterranean Gull, Hope Lane, NR

                                 Common Gull, Hope Lane, NR

Ted has enjoyed his walks over the local turf field this week, running around and splashing in the pools of standing water like a school kid. On Tuesday in the sunshine there was around 500 gulls feeding on the field, mainly Common and Black-headed, plus a sprinkling of Mediterranean, Herring and Lesser Black-backed Gulls. 

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