Friday, 16 February 2024


Lade - warm, dry and sunny, W 2 - A superb spring-like morning with the temperature topping out at 15C by midday, ideal weather conditions for a circuit of the local patch. Ravens are now an established part of the birding scene across the Marsh landscape where they nest on the power station complex and at several other sites. The last couple of visits to Lade I`ve noticed them displaying over the stony wastes, but for some reason a pair today allowed a close approach. Ted flushed two Common Snipes from Mockmill where several Song Thrushes and Blackbirds were also noted and a Skylark was in full song over the shingle. However, the lakes were very quiet with few wildfowl and only two Goldeneyes logged. A splash of Coltsfoot in flower along the banks of south lake were classic botanical heralds of spring.  

                                  Ravens, Lade desert


                                 Ted cooling off in south lake

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