Thursday 12 September 2024

Honey Buzzard

Lade - cool, sunny, NW3 - With a nor-wester, blues skies and fluffy white clouds it was perfect weather conditions for a decent raptor, and late morning one duly appeared when a Honey Buzzard passed over the peninsula, soaring high into the cloud base over the Desert along with several Common Buzzards, Kestrels and a Sparrowhawk. All the usual waterfowl were noted around the wetlands including two Great White Egrets and a Black-necked Grebe on north lake, plus hundreds of Sand Martins pulsing south. The ponds yielded a smart Spotted Flycatcher, several Chiffchaffs and a Green Woodpecker, plus 20 grounded Yellow Wagtails on the shingle.

                                              Spotted Flycatcher, Lade ponds

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