Thursday, 13 March 2025

Egyptian Geese

Dengemarsh - cold, dry and cloudy N3 - Another nippy old morning for our Ted walk around Dengemarsh. En-route singing Corn Buntings on wires were noted along the Lydd Road and by the dung heap, plus a Little Owl at Hammond`s Corner. The farmland section of the circular walk was packed out with feral geese, including 42 Egyptian Geese (more than I saw all week in Egypt!), corvids and gulls due to ploughing and drilling operations, plus a few pairs of Reed Buntings and Cetti`s Warblers in the drainage ditches. On the reserve plenty of Bearded Tit activity in the reed-beds while two booming Bitterns were heard and a spanking female Marsh Harrier seen sporting extensive white markings on the head and wings. A pair of Black-tailed Godwits, displaying Lapwings, a Spoonbill that flew off towards Hookers, 20 Teal, two Shelducks, 10 Meadow and one Water Pipit noted on the hayfields and flood rounded off a profitable morning.

                                  Egyptian Geese

                                  Dengemarsh flood

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