Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Roseate Tern

Dungeness - mild, cloudy, sw 3 - 0730hrs - As the overnight rain cleared we headed down to the Patch for a scout around, only to find DC already in the hide having located a Roseate Tern. We soon had it in the scope, flying up and down across the boil, and confirmed it as an adult in summer plumage. It appeared very white when compared to nearby Common Terns, with a pinkish wash on the breast but not particularly long tail streamers; a black cap, bill and narrow leading edge to the primaries completed the ensemble. Roseate Tern is a scarce, but just about annual, spring and summer migrant down here and certainly not a bird I see every year. The only downer was that it didn't land on the beach.
  Also noted, an adult Med Gull and at least three juv Yellow-legged Gulls.

                                Mediterranean Gull - a smart adult

                                Roseate Tern - two grotty record shots

   Having cleared out my meagre collection of 13 species of macro moths at Plovers earlier (which did include a single Sussex Emerald) it was onto the Kerton Road café where four more Sussex Emeralds were recorded, plus Dark Swordgrass, and new for the year, July Highflyer and Langmaid`s Yellow Underwing. Also of note on the SSSI a patch of Red Hemp-nettle.

                                             Red Hemp-nettle - a scarce plant of coastal shingle

RSPB - 1400hrs - A few Sand Martins and Swifts drifted over Burrowes while Ringed Plover and Black-tailed Godwit noted on the islands. Cattle Egret and Glossy Ibis were both reported from the hayfields this morning.

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