Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Dull days

Lade - mild, misty, overcast - A grim, Mordor-like day with low cloud and mizzle throughout. There was no change to the wildfowl on south lake with both Slavonian Grebe and Long-tailed Duck still present. However, there did seem to be a few more Blackbirds around the site, while a pair of Ravens flew in off the bay, `cronking` loudly, before heading inland.
Dungeness - The Bewick`s Swan flock remained faithful to the wheat field opposite Cockles Bridge and the usual Tree Sparrows were on the Boulderwall feeders. On Burrowes two 1st winter Caspian Gulls were on the islands from Makepeace and Firth hides, while a Black-necked Grebe was over by Scott hide. The roosting Long-eared Owl was tucked in the willows behind the Dipping Pond, but very obscured, and it was only due to a couple of mobbing Great Tits that betrayed its presence.
  Whilst at the Kerton Road Café the owner spotted a couple of Stonechats outside in the broom scrub with a Dartford Warbler in tow.

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