Monday 13 May 2024


Dungeness - warm, dry, overcast, S2 - For this morning`s Ted walk we did a grand tour of the peninsula in humid weather conditions and with the sun occasionally breaking through. Most noticeable were large numbers of Silver Y moths fluttering amongst the ground cover presumably having been wafted over the Channel on last nights gentle southerly airflow. Small Copper butterflies were also on the wing in good numbers while two Grizzled Skippers were noted on the edge of the Trapping Area. As for birds, a Bee-eater discovered earlier by DB showed briefly by the old smokery before flying towards the lighthouse was the undoubted highlight. Otherwise it was the expected Lesser and Common Whitethroats, Cetti`s and Reed Warblers, Stonechats, Meadow Pipits, Skylarks and Linnets. A check of the bird reserve at Boulderwall delivered little of note while a Spoonbill was still at the southern end of Burrowes.

                                 Small Copper, Trapping Area

                                 Grizzled Skipper, Trapping Area

At last the garden moth trap showed some signs of improvement with 12 species of macros overnight including my first record of Orange Footman, plus both Pebble and Swallow Prominent. Checks of Lade, Kerton quarry and elsewhere over what was a warm and sunny weekend produced little new apart from several House Martins prospecting for nest sites on the Pearmain estate to the north of town.

                                 Orange Footman

                                 Dark/Grey Dagger

                                 Swallow Prominent 

                                 Pebble Prominent 

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