Friday 3 May 2024


Kerton Road Quarry - cool, sunny, SW5 - This was my second circuit of the working gravel pit this week that today was made more difficult due to the blustery wind. Shorebirds were in good supply though with up to 10 pairs each of Lapwing and Oystercatcher and two of Redshank on territory scattered across the four islands. Passage waders on the deck included Greenshank and Bar-tailed Godwit, both of which were `moved on` by the Redshanks, a Ringed Plover and several Whimbrels overhead calling. All three species of feral geese had goslings on the water being eyed up by 50 plus Herring, Great-black and Lesser-black Backed Gulls. Also noted, a pair each of Gadwall and Great Crested Grebe, 20 Tufted Ducks, two Stonechats and several Skylarks.

                                  Lapwing and Ringed Plover, Kerton Road quarry

                                 Greylag and Egyptian Geese, Kerton Road quarry

                                  Ted, KR Cafe

There was nothing much more to report from Lade this week, likewise across the farmland around New Romney during our Ted walks, although a Mistle Thrush feeding fledged young on the town park this morning was noteworthy. I`ve run the garden moth trap twice this week with 10 moths in total and Swallow Prominent the highlight.

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