Sunday 26 May 2024

The Great Stink

Warm, dry and sunny, SW4 - I try not to use the car at the weekend, so its a case of loads of time spent tramping across farmland for our Ted walks seeing pretty much the same stuff; yesterday we clocked all three species of buntings north of the town, plus Sedge, Reed and Cetti`s Warblers and a host of Buzzards soaring overhead. It was also good to hear a single House Martin over the Pearmain estate where hopefully more will follow. 

                                 St Mary`s Bay pollution

                                 Pirate Springs

This morning we checked out Pirate Springs from the St Mary`s Bay end where we were greeted by the noxious smell of untreated sewage wafting along the beach. Southern Water have an outflow pipe at Littlestone from the nearby sewage works and following heavy overnight rain (as if that`s an excuse) routinely pump litres of shit and the like into the bay. Its been well documented that this section of Hythe Bay is one of the most polluted sections of our coastline, but despite a torrent of complaints nothing changes, it appears that the water companies can act with impunity and the environment can go to hell. Anyway, rant over! On the incoming tide, 20 Sanderlings scuttered along the foreshore while further out towards Greatstone distant flocks of Curlews and Oystercatchers were noted. On the land the floral display behind the sea wall was looking in fine fettle and where Skylark, Meadow Pipit and Linnet were all in song.

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