Lade - 0700hrs - cool, sunny morning, cloudy by noon, nw 2 - A decent start to the day weather wise which was reflected by the high level of bird activity in the morning stillness. A Spotted Flycatcher by the ponds was the most noteworthy bird, picking off flying insects with great aplomb, along with Reed and Sedge Warblers and Whitethroats. Once again Cuckoos were much in evidence around the reedbed and calling over the back garden; infact everywhere I went today I heard or saw Cuckoos: Littlestone, Greatstone and Lydd.
Poor fare in the trap with just 4 species of moths.
ARC - 1600hrs - A stroll down to Screen hide revealed the Garganey still in front of the hide and swarms of Swifts and hirundines over the water due to the rain and low temperatures. Two Little Egrets were perched in the willows and a Bittern flew over, while Cuckoos called and `bubbled` from overhead wires and tops of willows.
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