Wednesday, 1 January 2014

2014 Predictions

Lade - 0800hrs - mild, cloudy, s 5 - With rain and gale force winds due to hit us around noon we decided to defer our NYD bird count until tomorrow. As a result the year list got off to a very steady start with 43 species noted during the circuit of the local patch, the highlights being the resident Red-crested Pochard, 4 Goldeneye, 2 Marsh Harrier and 6 species of shorebirds on a wind swept bay.

During last nights gathering at Plovers the Greatstone Joker mooted the idea of some NY forecasting. It was a long, wet afternoon today, so here goes:
                                                     2014 Predictions
February - UK twitching in turmoil as the BOU savage the British Bird List: crossbill, redpoll, gulls, warblers, geese and many others get the lumping treatment - as a result grown men across the land are reduced to tears, and the UK400 Club is renamed the UK300 Club.
March -  Rumours circulate Dungeness that a stranger was seen wandering around Hookers in summer clothing muttering, " now, where`s that Squacco Heron", even though there was still snow on the ground and before the first Garganey of the spring...
April - At Dungeness Bird Observatory seawatchers were puzzled when they sighted an incoming black bird with a red crown bounding towards them over the waves. It announced its arrival on British soil with a machine gun-like rattle on the wooden hide before disappearing into the Trapping Area never to be seen again, despite the attentions of 10,000 twitchers. To add insult to injury Britain`s potential first Black Woodpecker record was firmly rejected by BBRC on the grounds that, "a Rook with a head wound could not be ruled out".
May - Turtle Dove officially declared extinct in southern England.
June - Birders come from far and wide to see a fledged Lapwing at Dungeness.
July - England left back Ashley Coaltit, commenting on the national sides` early exit from the World Cup said, "what do you expect when we`re playing in a rain forest, every couple of minutes a lifer flew over".
August - For the third year running local birders confuse an American peep with an adult Little Stint in winter plumage - many say that the `two bird theory` is to blame...
September - Following the recent multi-million pound Ruddy Duck pogrom DEFRA announce, "job done" and call a cessation to hostilities - the following day a flock of 500 Ruddy Ducks emerged from the reed-swamp at Lade Pits quacking, "Yankee Doodle Dandy".
October - Following intense lobbying by the CLA Common Buzzard is added to the `vermin list` and a cull commences.
November - A Black Lark is found on the Midrips finally laying to rest the ghost of the `Hastings Rarities` past.
December - Nuthatch seen at Dungeness proves to be `bird of the year`.


  1. Great minds think alike Paul. Just posted my predictions and one of them is exactly the same as one of yours! We need to get out more...

    1. Not sure about that Steve... having reread them I hope most of `em don`t come to fruition!
