Friday 10 April 2015

Hazy Dungeness

Lade - cool, hazy, e 2 - 0800hrs - An odd morning with a chill breeze off the sea and high levels of air pollution off the continent, combined with Saharan dust, creating a hazy atmosphere. Birdwise it was dead with just a single Chiffchaff and flyover Grey Plover of any note. Another look in the afternoon proved fruitless and if anything the murk had worsened.

                                                 Chaffinch, Lade

Dungeness - 1030hrs - A brief look at the sea in poor visibility yielded a flock of 50 Brents and five Common Terns moving up-Channel. We flogged around the Desert in the vain hope of relocating yesterdays Hoopoe, but there was hardly a common passerine to be found, let alone a flashy southern overshoot.
In summary, a duff day all round.

                                Brents in the haze, Dungeness


  1. Paul ,
    I was at the almost bird-less Dungeness yesterday , but just missed the Hoopoe between Hookers and the return path by minutes . Did get 2 male Wheatear down the Gully near the big concrete blocks .
    Really need some birds to deal with the swarms of flying insects .

  2. I think most of the passerine migrants are overflying the Marsh on these clear nights and heading straight inland. No flies today though in cool breezy conditions.
