Sunday 5 April 2015

Old friends

Dengemarsh - 1130hrs - cold, sunny, e 3 - A change over day, so we were late out. Mrs PT joined us for a circuit of Dengemarsh commencing at Boulderwall where the Slavonian Grebe was still on New Diggings and plenty of Tree Sparrows on the garden feeders. The Boulderwall fields were quiet with just a flyover Great White Egret of note and the usual Marsh Harriers. The fields at the back of Hookers held a few feral geese, Lapwings, Skylarks and a pair of Ravens being mobbed by 20 Carrion Crows. The Cattle Egrets were just about visible in the field behind the battery sheds. From Springfield Bridge several displaying Marsh Harriers, 10 Wigeon on the lake, Shelducks and Little Egrets on the hayfields and a Sedge Warbler showed by the ramp.

                                Field Penny-cress, Dengemarsh

We also had good views of a stoat, while both toad and marsh frogs were in fine voice and a clump of field penny-cress was in full flower by the flood. The sunshine had brought forth a few red admirals and small tortoiseshells, while the almond scented gorse blooms were a joy to behold.
Our route took about three hours, much longer than usual, due to constantly bumping into and nattering to old clients and birding pals from up-country and locally. Always a pleasure though, and typical of a Bank Holiday weekend on a busy bird reserve.

                                Summer plumage Border Terrier

When we arrived back at Plovers there was one long over due task that needed tackling for Mrs PT and her clippers...


  1. Here on Sheppey it has been a beautiful, sunny and quite warm afternoon and evening, and finally good news - this morning I had a Swallow, the only migrant so far but the best one.

  2. Good to hear about your Swallow, they`re starting to trickle through most places now. Looks like a settled week ahead weather wise, which usually means that most nocturnal migrants simply pass over Dungeness and head inland, but you never know...
