Sunday 9 June 2024

Green Sandpiper

Warm, dry and sunny, light airs - With light winds and warm sunshine it was a superb morning for a circuit of Scotney where all the usual farmland birds were noted, although Corn Buntings were particularly thin on the ground. The wetlands held plenty of Shelducks and Avocets, some with well-grown juveniles, while small numbers of Teals, Pochards, Gadwalls and Mallards were already going into eclipse. My first Green Sandpiper of the return passage on the sand pit `officially` heralded the start of autumn! The front lakes were very quiet with only a handful of feral geese and immature gulls noted. 

                                   Garganey, Hayfield 2

Yesterday we spent most of the morning on the bird reserve where the Dengemarsh hayfields attracted four Avocets, six Teals, 20 Little Egrets, two Redshanks, a Shoveler and a drake Garganey. At least three Bitterns `boomed`, including one on ARC and it was good to see and hear several Cuckoos across the site. Otherwise it was just the usual warblers, raptors and several Common Terns.

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