Friday 7 June 2024


Warm, dry and sunny, W2 - A cracking morning for a circular walk around Dengemarsh where the highlight was a pair of Oystercatchers with three sturdy looking juveniles and three female Lapwings, one also with three chicks, in a stony field at the back of the bird reserve. Hayfield 2 held six Avocets, five Cattle Egrets, four Shelducks, a pair of Teal and a drake Garganey. At least 15 Little Egrets were noted around the wetlands, plus `booming` Bittern, several Marsh Harriers and Common Buzzards, two Hobbies, Common Tern, Bearded Tits and the usual suite of warblers. In the sheltered spots scores of Black-tailed Skimmers were on the wing.

                                   Black-tailed Skimmer, Dengemarsh

Kerton Road quarry also produced Lapwing and Oystercatcher with chicks along with two Redshanks, a Curlew, a host of feral geese with goslings, four Great Crested Grebes and 30 Tufted Ducks.

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