Friday 12 July 2024

Passage waders

Cool, wet, N4 - The poor summer weather continues with heavy overnight rain and a cold front pushing down from the north delivering a showery morning under scudding, grey skies. There was little change since our last visit to Lade with hundreds of Sand Martins over the lakes, two Common Terns and a party of 30 Black-headed Gulls through. Similarly, Kerton quarry was quiet with only a Whimbrel over of note.

                                  Bramble flowers

                                 Red Admiral

                                 Hedge Brown

                                 Marbled White

However, yesterday was a sunny, dry day that finally produced a few butterflies around the field margins north of New Romney. In the warm sunshine a host of bees and hoverflies swarmed over a bramble patch in full flower, plus several Red Admirals, Meadow and Hedge Browns and a single Marbled White by the New Cut. In the evening Chris P and I visited Scotney sand pit where passage waders included six Dunlins, seven Green and three Common Sandpipers, three Black-tailed Godwits and two Whimbrels overhead, as well as 16 Avocets, three Little Ringed Plovers, several Oystercatchers and Lapwings. Also present a variety of common ducks, feral geese and swans, Sand Martins, Yellow Wagtails, Sedge and Reed Warblers, Black-headed Gulls and a movement of over 200 black crows heading towards the ranges. Probably most noteworthy were our first sightings of recently fledged juvenile Marsh Harrier and Hobby on the wing. On the way home we called in at Hanson hide where several Common Terns, five Little Ringed Plovers, a Black-tailed Godwit and an Avocet brooding two chicks were noted, plus a Greenshank over calling and hundreds of wildfowl and Coots on the lake.

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