Wednesday 17 July 2024


Warm, dry and sunny, SW2 - A check of The Patch this morning drew a blank (predictably!) for yesterdays Rosy Tern; however, I did see my first Painted Lady of this butterfly depleted summer by the power station wall and the male Peregrine was active on A station along with two fledged juveniles. The rest of the morning was spent on a guided walk for RSPB starting at Burrowes where the only passage waders were 10 Lapwings, two Black-tailed Godwits and singles of Common Sandpiper and Little Ringed Plover. Nesting Common Terns continue to be active on the newly exposed islands in front of Dennis`s hide, while all the usual Sand Martins, wildfowl, gulls, Coots and grebes were present in good numbers. On the Boulderwall fields three Cattle and a Great White Egret were noted, a Redshank, several Little Egrets and a Greenshank and a Yellow Wagtail over. From Hanson a Shoveler (scarce here as a breeding bird - only one or two pairs annually) showed off its four ducklings close to the hide, much to the annoyance of a Dabchick that furiously attacked the female driving it and her young away from its own juvs. The Avocets still had two chicks, two each of Little Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper were on the islands, plus ten Common Terns and hundreds of wildfowl, gulls, Cormorants, feral geese and Coots.

                                  Shoveler family,  ARC

                                  Reed Bunting, ARC

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