Friday 4 October 2024

Dartford Warbler

Dungeness - warm, dry and sunny - At last a decent day with warm sunshine and light airs making for a pleasant tour of the point with Ted searching for grounded migrants; and there were plenty of birds on offer, mostly around 20 each of Stonechats and Chiffchaffs. The scarcity came straight away in the form of a Dartford Warbler in company with two Stonechats near the old quarry that promptly relocated over the road and into the broom in the Kerton Road triangle. Also noted across the desert and along the edge of the trapping area: 10 Kestrels, 10 Wheatears, 10 Skylarks, 20 Meadow Pipits, 50 Linnets, 10 Pied Wagtails, two Whinchats, two Blackcaps, a probable Whitethroat and a trickle of southbound Swallows. The open sward between the war memorial and the moat attracted another 20 each of Meadow Pipit, Pied Wagtail, Goldfinch and Starling, plus two Black Redstarts, another three Wheatears and a couple of Robins. Raven and Peregrine noted around the power station complex.

                                 Kestrel, Dungeness

                                  Stonechat, Dungeness

                                  Whinchat, Dungeness

                                  Wheatear, Dungeness

                                 Ted at a water hole

Yesterday afternoon a check of Burrowes on the bird reserve was disappointing being virtually birdless apart from two Great White and six Little Egrets. ARC was much better though with plenty of Wigeons, Lapwings, Shovelers and Teals on the islands, plus six Black-tailed Godwits, two Common Snipes and a Garganey. The Black-necked Grebe eventually surfaced out on the lake and a Great White Egret was present. However, the water levels are rising fast across both waters.

                                  Wigeon and Lapwing, ARC

                                 Common Snipe, ARC

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