Wednesday 16 October 2024


Dungeness RSPB - warm, dry and sunny, SE3 - A veritable heatwave (19C by midday) for a guided walk around the circular trail this morning where plenty of Chiffchaffs and Robins were plundering the wealth of active insects. The highlight was at least 20 Snipes hunkered down amongst the reed bed margins from Christmas Dell hide and close views of Lapwings roosting on the new islands at Dengemarsh. From the ramp overlooking Hookers a Kingfisher showed briefly, plus several Bearded Tits, Cetti`s Warblers, two Marsh Harriers and a Great White Egret. Also noted during the walk the expected wildfowl and egrets, several Kestrels and Meadow Pipits, a Peregrine, a Dunlin, a Swallow and six Cattle Egrets on the Boulderwall fields. We didn`t locate the Black-necked Grebe, but it was reported later in the afternoon on Burrowes.

                                 Snipes, Christmas Dell

                                  Lapwings, Dengemarsh

                                 Cormorants, Dengemarsh

                                  New islands, Dengemarsh

On the way home I called in at the Tavern viewpoint for a scan of the beach on the incoming tide where a juvenile Arctic Tern was sat amongst 15 Sandwich Terns and a mixed flock of 50 gulls, mostly Common and Mediterranean Gulls. Waders included 20 Curlews, 50 Sanderlings, 20 Dunlins, six Knot, two Grey Plovers and a Turnstone.  

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