Friday, 21 March 2025

First Wheatears

Dungeness - cool, dry and cloudy, E2 - This morning`s Ted walk took us along the beach from the lifeboat station to the power station where the highlight was our first two Wheatears of spring near the new lighthouse, plus a light passage of Chaffinches out (c100 in total), three Black Redstarts, a pair of Stonechats, two Sparrowhawks, a Peregrine and singing Skylarks and Meadow Pipits. Also of note were two Brown Hares and a smart Red Fox whilst chatting to Dave B and Martin C. An hour in the hide with the locals produced a trickle of Gannets, Black-headed Gulls, Common Scoters, Red-throated Divers, auks, several Little Gulls, Sandwich Terns and Kittiwakes, while two flocks of Garganey went up-Channel earlier in the watch. Called in at Lade on the way home where a pair of Goldeneyes were still on south lake and both Sparrowhawk and Common Buzzard displayed over the site.

                                  Wheatear, New Lighthouse

                                  Gannets, Dungeness

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