Sunday 20 May 2012


Lade - warm, dry, sunny, n3 - Following bits of overnight rain a generally decent sort of a day, despite the brisk northerly. Spent far too long nattering to the guests over breakfast about past glories on Scilly; thanks for that Terry, brought back a lot of good memories.
The monthly WeBS count over the pits didn`t take long, on account of a lack of wildfowl.
As for the moth trap, had just 2 species, a Shuttle-shaped Dart and Brimstone Moth.
Hythe - Had a wander along the sea front this morning with PT taking in the RMCanal where plenty of warblers and resident wayside birds were enjoying the warm sunshine. I managed to somehow lose my camera on the beach and when we returned to look for it this afternoon it had been handed in at the fish restaurant at the bottom of Stade Street. My faith in human nature was fully restored, thanks to one honest punter out there.
ARC - 1500hrs - Nothing much here apart from 150 Swifts over the lake and a few Shovelers.
Other news today concerned a male Hen Harrier seen over the bird reserve (SM) and at New Romney, plus a Hoopoe reported to Bird Guides on Lydd Golf Course.

                                            Brimstone Moth, Plovers 

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