Monday 7 May 2012

Little Egrets & Crested Lark

Dungeness - 0545hrs - cool, cloudy, se2 - A two hour seawatch from the point delivered a steady flow of seabirds to keep the interest going. Of the 9 Poms all were distant except 3 at the end of the watch. Also 2 Arctics (much closer) a Bonxie, 100 scoters, 50 Gannets, 20 Whimbrels, 30 Little Terns, 2 Fulmars, 3 Black-throated Divers, 2 Curlews, 10 Barwits, 8 Sanderling, 2 Med Gulls and 4 Oystercatchers. In off the sea singles of Hobby and Merlin.
Lydd Church Tower - 1000hrs - Spent the rest of the morning atop Lydd church tower for RSPB on heron watch duties. The weather was kind and a steady flow of punters made the precarious climb up the tower to admire the Marsh landscape (and spy on their neighbours!). As always cracking views looking into the nests of 6 close Grey Herons; in all at least 17 were occupied this year across the heronry. Also, 3 nests of Little Egrets seen including one with 2 small chicks, which confirms breeding (I think) for the first time at this site.

                                         Lydd heronry

                                          Grey Herons, adults & juv, Lydd

                                          2 Little Egret nests, Lydd

Dungeness - 1500hrs - Phew, no chance to settle down and have a snooze this afternoon, following the discovery of a super rare Crested Lark at the Point. Initially found by Lloyds it was eventually relocated on rough ground by the car park inside the grounds of `B` plant (a wise move considering the harrying the last one got) at the western end. Views from the seawall were distant but it appeared to be quite rusty-brown overall and there was some suggestion that it may well be an eastern race bird. At about 1630hrs it flew off towards `A` plant just as a number of twitchers were still arriving on site. With the hoards of tourists around the point I reckoned the lark would stay within the boundary walls and relative peace and quiet of the plant.
New Romney Sewage Works - 1700hrs - To round off yet another cracking days birding across the Marsh a Red-rumped Swallow was located amongst a flock of Swallows feeding over the workings.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Paul,
    Really enjoyed your Heronry pics and article. In all the years, I've driven through Lydd, I never knew there was a Heronry there. Great blog, keep on posting!


