Thursday 3 May 2012

More Terns

Dungeness - 1045hrs - Overcast, drizzle, n2 - A half hearted, hour long seawatch from the concrete road whilst gossipping with MH, PB & BB delivered a steady passage of waders including 150 Barwits, 25 Grey Plovers, 10 Knots and 10 Whimbrels; one group of scoters had a Garganey on the tail end. A trickle of Common Terns kept up the interest as did a flock of 15 Little Terns followed by 5 more. The flock of 15 were twittering away to one another as they flicked by, smashing birds are terns, particularly the little `uns and I wondered where they`d come from and where they were heading; perhaps the English east coast or maybe across the Channel to the Low Countries or the Baltic. Not much is known about their winter quarters but I`ve seen them on the fishing grounds between Senegal and Ghana alongside other terns, skuas and Gannets.
Wandered down to the Patch to look for Black Terns of which there were none. However, a nervous flock of at least 50 Commons on the beach held 2 Littles and a Sandwich Tern.
A Common Redstart showed briefly in the lighthouse garden along with a Willow Warbler and Whitethroat and despite the drizzle all the usual breeding passerines were evident around the point.
In the trapping area a Wood Warbler was noted earlier along with a female Monty`s over (OL), which was also clocked at ARC.

                                         Little & Common Tern, The Patch
                                          Sandwich Tern, The Patch

Burrowes - 1530hrs - A scout round for waders revealed singles of Redshank, Grey Plover, Turnstone and Ringed Plover on the fast disappearing islands, a pair of Wigeon and a Peregrine over by the switch house. A few Common Terns came and went as did a couple of parties of Swifts.
On the way home 2 Wheatears from the access road and a Turnstone at the south end of ARC.
Sounds as tho the Wiltshire birders had a good day around the Peninsula, despite the poor weather.

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