Monday 3 October 2022

Dartford Warbler

Warm, dry and sunny, S2 - Another fine birding day in Paradise, and perfect weather for a tour of the peninsula commencing at a bird-rich Scotney where there was plenty to see amongst the many feral geese, gulls, egrets and Cormorants. The highlights were: four Spoonbills on the eastern front lake that performed to order for a change, flying around a bit before settling down to preen and eventually roost, while the western pit had a Black-necked Grebe on the lake and a Rock Pipit feeding along a shingle margin by the access road. At least 200 each of Golden Plovers and Lapwings present, plus 30 Ruffs and a scattering of Redshank, Curlew, Dunlin and Green Sandpiper. All three species of hirundines trickled through along with Meadow Pipits, Pied Wagtails, Skylarks and Linnets on the sward.

                                  Spoonbills, Scotney

                                  Spoonbill, Dengemarsh

                                 Cattle Egrets, Springfield Bridge

Next stop Galloways were a walk along the road from the gate produced a Dartford Warbler just past the layby, more hirundines, Meadow Pipits and Skylarks over and five Stonechats. From Springfield Bridge, another Spoonbill, two Glossy Ibis, two Cattle Egrets, three Yellow Wagtails, a 1st winter Caspian and two Yellow-legged Gulls, two Marsh Harriers and a Buzzard. ARC also held plenty of gulls and Lapwings, plus a Little Stint and two Dunlins. At Dungeness I joined JS by the boats where a trickle of Brent Geese, Sandwich Terns and auks were moving offshore along with a few loitering Red-throated Divers and Arctic Skuas. Finished off at Lade where there was no sign of Friday`s Long-tailed Duck. Wherever I went today there seemed to be Chiffchaffs calling and Kestrels hovering; must`ve noted 50 and 20 of each respectively.

                                 Brents and Arctic Skua, Dungeness

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