Thursday 1 August 2024


Hot and humid - Following a very uncomfortable night with rumbles of thunder this morning`s weather continued in a similar vein. A visit to the bird reserve with my apprentice birder kicked of in the Hanson hide where a fine spread of passage waders included six Commons, four Greens and a Wood Sandpiper, a Dunlin, four Ringed Plovers, 20 Lapwings, two Oystercatchers, a Redshank and four Avocets, plus a well-grown juvenile. Also noted several Common Terns, 100 Black-headed Gulls, a Marsh Harrier, a Great White Egret and the usual host of wildfowl, Coots and grebes. On Burrowes a Little Ringed Plover was the only wader addition along with 40 Common Terns and all the usual diving ducks and gulls. At Boulderwall six Cattle Egrets were in attendance around the cows. 

                                   Cattle Egrets, Boulderwall (2022)

Yesterday, I had a "ridiculous" moth catch in the garden trap after another humid, still night with over  50 species of macros  recorded. There was nothing particularly unusual, apart from a staggering count of 280 Silver Ys, and that was very much a minimum as there were plenty more active around the trap site before I covered it up.

                                  Burnished Brass, (2022)

                                  Jersey Tiger (2020)

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