Sunday 18 August 2024

Wader Fest

 Warm, dry and sunny, W2 - Wandering around the farmland this weekend there has been a noticeable clear out of Reed Warblers in the reed-fringed ditches while Willow Warblers and Lesser Whitethroats continue to filter through the hedgerows and gardens. Yesterday at least six Common Buzzards were soaring high over New Romney causing the Herring Gulls to go into melt-down. The Little Grebe pair that nested on a tiny flood-relief pond along Church Lane have somehow successfully fledged two juveniles.

                                 Little Grebes, New Romney

I couldn`t resist a run down to Scotney sand pit this morning where a host of waders (and birders) were on offer at a site that just keeps on giving. A Temminck`s Stint and a Pectoral Sandpiper were still present from yesterday evening, though flighty when I was there due to a hunting Hobby, amongst at least 12 Green, four Wood, three Common and a Curlew Sandpiper, two Greenshanks, three Redshanks, a Snipe, a Ruff and several Golden Plovers calling overhead. I make that 27 species of shorebirds recorded at this site, so far this year, could there be a mega to come? We shall just have to wait and see...

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