Friday 23 August 2024


Mild, sunny, SW 6 - The strong winds sweeping in from the Atlantic delivered a rash of shearwaters yesterday off Dungeness, many of which were distant and unspecified (see DBO website for details). This morning the light was awful and the two birds I saw were way off shore but probably Balearics. Crossing the causeway road a Black Tern was on the ARC with ten or more Common Terns, while at least five Cattle Egrets were in the Boulderwall fields with two Great Whites on Burrowes, plus hundreds of Sand Martins over the lake.

                                 Oystercatcher roost, Kerton Road quarry

                                  Great White Egret, Burrowes

                                 Starling, Dungeness

Elsewhere this week Lade has produced several Common Sandpipers around the margins of south lake and 210 Pochards were counted on Wednesday. The beach opposite the tavern attracted 20 Yellow Wagtails, while hundreds of Mediterranean, Common and Black-headed Gulls continue to drop in on the bay on a falling tide but only a few Sandwich Terns. A count of 1,100 Oystercatchers was made at Kerton Road quarry on the high tide and a large raft of Common Scoters is still present offshore in the bay. A couple of visits to Scotney sand pit produced a host of passage waders with the Pectoral Sandpiper still present until at least Wednesday along with several Little Stints and a Curlew Sandpiper.

                                 Ted, Dungeness

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