Thursday 17 October 2024

Bearded Tits

Dungeness RSPB - warm, dry and sunny, SW2  - Fine autumnal weather conditions for a guided walk around the circular trail for a group from Tunbridge Wells, and to be fair there was plenty of variety on offer. As before, Chiffchaffs, Robins and Cetti`s Warblers were commonplace while there was a bit more overhead passage than yesterday in the shape of Skylarks, Meadow Pipits, alba wagtails, Chaffinches and a few grounded Reed Buntings, Blackbirds and a Song Thrush. Several each of Little and Great White Egrets were noted across the wetlands while a single Cattle Egret was in hayfield 2. A Jack Snipe flew over the Christmas Dell complex and at least 12 Common Snipes were counted from the hide. Highlight of the morning was a pair of Bearded Tits `gritting` in the recently spruced up tray in the reedbed, while three Marsh Harriers included a spectacular pale-backed adult female. Also noted along the way several Kestrels, a Raven over calling, a Green Sandpiper on Dengemarsh, a Golden Plover overhead, a swirling murmuration of a thousand Starlings and all the usual wildfowl, gulls and Cormorants, while we finished off at Firth lookout with close views of a Black-necked Grebe; was also great to see the base for the new Makepeace hide had just been laid (at the original site!). During the course of the circuit we logged a respectable 65 species of birds, for a very appreciative birding group, plus several each of Smooth Newt, Migrant Hawker and Common Darter also enjoying the late autumn sunshine.

                                  Bearded Tits, Hookers reedbed

                                 Great White Egret and Mute Swan, Dengemarsh

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