Thursday 24 October 2024

Glossy Ibis

Warm, dry and sunny, S3 - After a wet start on Monday the weather improved as the week progressed to being pleasantly mild with a southerly airflow, not that it has done much for the seawatching off Dungeness. Infact, it has been quiet just about everywhere bird-wise across the peninsula. Two Glossy Ibises were on view from Hanson hide late yesterday afternoon, along with two Black-tailed Godwits in amongst the Lapwings, plus several showy Bearded Tits in the reedbed by the boardwalk. A large flock of several hundred Golden Plovers flew over Hope Lane on Tuesday, while Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests continue to filter through our town garden and Grey Wagtails overhead. This afternoon we checked out Pirate Springs, but that too was devoid of birds apart from a mixture of 50 roosting Ringed Plovers, Dunlins and Turnstones along the strandline.

                                  Glossy Ibises, ARC

                                  Painted Lady, ARC

                                  Tufted Duck, ARC

                                 Dunlins and Ringed Plovers, Pirate Springs

                                 Ted on the sea wall

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