Sunday 20 October 2024


Wet and windy, mild - A weekend of mixed weather with rain for a morning walk around Lade yesterday where there seemed to be an increase in Water Rails judging from the number of squeals emanating from the willow swamp. In the warm, afternoon sunshine several Chiffchaffs and a Blackcap moved through the garden, while a Firecrest was heard and briefly seen in the holm oaks by Sainsbury`s New Romney.

                                   Arctic Skua, Dungeness

Today was a different beast weather wise, still mild, but with the wind increasing through the day and rain around as named Storm Ashley moved up the west coast of the British Isles. A couple of hours with Ted along the foreshore at Dungeness produced a few Goldfinches and Skylarks, while offshore hundreds of Gannets streamed down-Channel, plus two Arctic Skuas, two Sandwich Terns and a Red-throated Diver during the half an hour spent at the fishing boats with the seawatchers, who`d had a Leach`s Petrel earlier. This afternoon I joined Chris for the first harrier count of winter out on Walland Marsh where 17 Marsh Harriers came to roost in overcast and drizzly weather, although there was precious little else of note apart from two Great White and one Cattle Egret, four Kestrels and a Buzzard.

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