Friday 11 October 2024


Dungeness - warm, dry and sunny, light airs - After the first frost of autumn had melted away it turned into a gorgeous sunny day with only a light zephyr out of the north. We spent the morning birding the point where Chiffchaffs, Robins and Stonechats were the most numerous birds, plus a trickle of Skylarks and Meadow Pipits overhead as well as several Chaffinches and Swallows, two Bramblings and a Yellow Wagtail. A Firecrests showed briefly in the trapping area and the old lighthouse garden along with a Blackcap and a late Lesser Whitethroat seen from the pilots path. Whilst at the Obs a Common Redstart was trapped amongst a host of Chiffchaffs and two Black Redstarts were perched atop a nearby cottage. Also noted several Kestrels, a Great Spotted Woodpecker and a Raven, while a Yellow-browed Warbler was trapped earlier in the morning.

                                  Stonechat, Desert

                                  Chiffchaff, Old Lighthouse garden

                                  Robin, Trapping Area

                                  Juvenile Common Redstart, DBO

                                  Black Redstarts

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