Sunday 13 October 2024


Dungeness - cool, cloudy, light airs - A much cooler day than of late with the wind out of the north coming and going. A circuit of the bushes at the point delivered very little in the way of migrants with Chiffchaff, Goldfinch and Robin numbers well down on my last visit; infact, four Swallows, a Goldcrest in the moat, a Grey Plover over calling and a scattering of Mipits and Skylarks in the desert was about it. Around the power station a pair of Ravens provided great entertainment as they tussled with a Peregrine, while offshore up to 100 Gannets were feeding on (presumably) mackerel, judging from the number of anglers along the beach.

                                 Ravens, A Station

                       Black-necked Grebe, Burrowes (taken through the VC window)

The bird reserve and Lade pits were also quiet with just a Black-necked Grebe and a Black Tern of note on Burrowes. There was no news on the recent Whooper Swans.

         Ted having a breather at Burrowes

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