Friday 27 September 2024

Golden Plovers

Cool and cloudy, rain, NW 3 - A grim morning with a nippy wind out of the north causing a drop in temperature to 12C. We checked out the sandpit at Scotney first thing, just before the rain band passed over, and where the water levels had risen significantly since my last visit a week ago. A flock of around 300 Golden Plovers swirled overhead calling evocatively, and a reminder that winter is not far away. Waders in the pit included 20 Lapwings, three each of Common Sandpiper, Dunlin and Ringed Plover, two Green Sandpipers and an Avocet, while wildfowl numbers had declined to a handful of Teal, Shoveler, Shelduck and Egyptian Geese. Also noted several flocks of Linnets and Meadow Pipits feeding amongst the rough grass, a few Chiffchaffs in the bushes, a trickle of Swallows over, a couple of Stonechats and a Kestrel. 

                                  Golden Plovers, Scotney

                                 Scotney sand pit

The rain then set in for a while, so we retreated to the Kerton Road Cafe for a natter. Once the wet stuff relented a check of Kerton quarry and Lade pits resulted in little of note, and there was no sign of the Black-necked Grebe on north lake.

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