Thursday 26 September 2024


Mild, showery, SW 5 - Following two days of trudging around wind-swept farmland seeing very little of note, apart from a Hobby and a few Skylarks, it was back to the coast this morning. We did a long walk along the foreshore and across the Trapping Area and Desert where the highlight was at least 20 Wheatears, the majority scattered across the railway track ramp. A few Chiffchaffs were in the lighthouse garden and two Common Whitethroats in gorse scrub. Offshore from the fishing boats plenty of Gannets were feeding out in the Channel along with several Sandwich Terns and a distant Arctic Skua while a trickle of Swallows struck out for the French coast..

                                 Wheatears, Dungeness

We called in at Burrowes where the water level is rapidly rising (forgetting that the islands were being cleared of vegetation today!) so all that was on offer was hundreds of Sand Martins over the lake. At Boulderwall at least six Cattle Egrets were following the stock and a Great White was on Cook`s Pool.

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