Wednesday 4 September 2024


Warm, dry and cloudy NE2- Another humid day with a light breeze and storm clouds gathering. Our Ted walks around town last night and early this morning delivered 55 House Martins and 125 Swallows respectively, while the passage continued today with thousands of hirundines streaming across the Dungeness peninsula. A mid-morning check of Burrowes revealed the juvenile White-winged Black Tern present for its sixth day, plus 10 Common Terns, 12 Golden Plovers, 10 Redshanks, five Common Sandpipers, c200 Lapwings and 220 Oystercatchers. Whilst scanning from Firth lookout I had distant views of an Osprey high over Dungeness, presumably the same as seen from DBO, although I failed to locate a reported flock of 20 White Storks. It was much quieter from Hanson hide with only a Glossy Ibis and three Cattle Egrets of note. At Kerton quarry 500 Oystercatchers were roosting out the high tide, plus two Bar-tailed Godwits and two Whimbrels over.

                                 Juvenile White-winged Black Tern

                                 Juvenile Common Tern

                                 Cattle Egret, ARC

                                  Meadow Pipit, Kerton quarry
The garden moth trap has been busy this past week with a Yellow-barred Brindle new for the site this morning.     
                                  Canary-shouldered Thorn

                                  Oak Hook-tip


                                 Yellow-barred Brindle

                                  Burnished Brass

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