Tuesday 17 September 2024

Rock Pipit

Warm, dry and cloudy, NE 4 - We started off at the fishing boats this morning where good numbers of Sandwich Terns, Black-headed Gulls, Gannets and at least one Common Tern were fishing offshore. Also noted a couple of shearwaters (probably Balearics) way out in a choppy Channel, plus a confiding Rock Pipit along the strandline, a species that locally is normally encountered flying over calling, so it was good see one close-up and on the deck for a change. In the brisk wind few other passerines were noted across the Desert and around Lade. The garden light trap held a decent range of autumn moths with three classic species depicted below.

                                  Rock Pipit, Dungeness

                                  L-album Wainscot, Clancy`s Rustic and Lunar Underwing

                                  Ted at Dungeness

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