Monday 2 September 2024

White-winged Black Tern

 Warm, dry, misty, SW 3 - A muggy start to the day with mist and drizzle coming and going, but ideal weather conditions for grounded passage migrants, or so I thought... Certainly at Lade there was little evidence of a fall with not a single warbler noted apart from a couple of resident Cetti`s and up to 30 grounded Yellow Wagtails on the desert. Kerton quarry hosted the usual roosting Oystercatchers, gulls and 100 Sandwich Terns on the incoming tide while a mixed flock of 50 waders overhead comprised mostly Curlews, plus 10 Whimbrels, several Greenshanks and a calling Spotted Redshank. On Lade wetlands, at least 15 Little and two Great White Egrets were scattered around the margins with the usual post-breeding flock of diving ducks, Coots and grebes on south lake. Sparrowhawk, Kestrel, Common Buzzards and Marsh Harrier were all noted across the site.

                                  Egrets, Lade

                                 Greenshanks, Burrowes

On the bird reserve a scan from Dennis`s eventually yielded the juvenile White-winged Black Tern around midday that flew in from ARC direction in company with three juv Common Terns. Over the following hour it moved up and down Burrowes as the murk lifted and the sun burnt through. Two Greenshanks paused a while, along with 100 Lapwings, a Redshank and a Black-tailed Godwit as hundreds of hirundines, mainly Sand Martins, swarmed over the lake.

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