Monday 23 September 2024

Spotted Flycatchers

Lade - Warm, dry and sunny, SW4 - Once last nights rain band had moved through it turned into a pretty decent day, although the wind picked up through the afternoon. There was good numbers of wildfowl and wetland birds for the monthly count across Lade and Kerton quarry with south lake holding the majority of birds; Shovelers were still present in good numbers and the escapee leucistic White-cheeked Pintail was located in the willow swamp pool. Totals as follows: Dabchick 22, Black-necked Grebe 1 (north lake), Great Crested Grebe 42, Cormorant 20, Grey Heron 9, Little Egret 12, Great White Egret 2, Mute Swan 12, Canada Goose 25, Wigeon 10, Gadwall 22, Mallard 42, Teal 20, Shoveler 520, Pochard 180, Tufted Duck 210, Lapwing 55 (Kerton), Water Rail 1 (heard Lade), Moorhen 6, Coot 260. The sheltered, sun-dappled scrub around the ponds was jumping with passerines feeding on insects, mostly Chiffchaffs, Blue, Great and Long-tailed Tits, plus several Blackcaps, two Spotted Flycatchers and a Garden Warbler.  Two each of Sparrowhawk and Kestrel were also noted.

                                 Fox, hiding in the ponds

                                  White-cheeked Pintail and Pochard, Lade

                                  Spotted Flycatcher, Lade ponds

We then moved onto Dungeness to check out a private garden where a Bonelli`s Warbler had been seen yesterday. but the only migrants noted were a few Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps, plus a Spotted Flycatcher.

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